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Carrier's lien

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Carrier's Lien, in the context of the supply chain, refers to the legal right of a carrier to retain possession of goods or cargo until payment for transportation and related charges is made. It allows the carrier to hold the goods as security for unpaid freight charges. If the shipper or consignee fails to pay the agreed-upon fees, the carrier can exercise the carrier's lien to retain possession of the goods until the outstanding amount is settled. This lien provides the carrier with a legal recourse to protect their rights and recover the owed charges.

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Carrier's lien


Carrier's Lien, in the context of the supply chain, refers to the legal right of a carrier to retain possession of goods or cargo until payment for transportation and related charges is made. It allows the carrier to hold the goods as security for unpaid freight charges. If the shipper or consignee fails to pay the agreed-upon fees, the carrier can exercise the carrier's lien to retain possession of the goods until the outstanding amount is settled. This lien provides the carrier with a legal recourse to protect their rights and recover the owed charges.

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Shipping container at seaShipping container at sea