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Booking status

shipping container at sea

"booking status" refers to the current state or condition of a shipment reservation made by a shipper or freight forwarder. It indicates the progress or status of the booking throughout the transportation process, from the initial request to the final confirmation. The booking status can provide information about various stages such as pending, confirmed, in transit, delivered, or canceled, allowing stakeholders to track and monitor the progress of the shipment and ensure timely and efficient handling of goods.

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Booking status


"booking status" refers to the current state or condition of a shipment reservation made by a shipper or freight forwarder. It indicates the progress or status of the booking throughout the transportation process, from the initial request to the final confirmation. The booking status can provide information about various stages such as pending, confirmed, in transit, delivered, or canceled, allowing stakeholders to track and monitor the progress of the shipment and ensure timely and efficient handling of goods.

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Shipping container at seaShipping container at sea