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Using Intermodal Visibility to Stand Out in the Digital Supply Chain

June 26, 2023

The digital supply chain is here and changing the game for shippers. The use of big data analytics, GPS, the Internet of Things (IoT), and radio frequency ID tags have created unprecedented visibility, the ability to react in real time, and the information needed to be proactive. Shippers incorporating the digital supply chain in their operations build supply chain resilience.

The digital supply chain provides visibility into the workings of the chain by linking internal systems with external information. Through the use of advanced technologies and insights into the functioning of all stakeholders, each supply chain participant makes better decisions. Ultimately, the digital supply chain increases efficiencies, fosters collaboration, reduces waste, and facilitates profitability.

One of the most significant impacts of the digital supply chain has been advancing intermodal shipping by eliminating the challenges that stifled it in the past.

Intermodal Shipping Offers Unique Challenges

Customers expect streamlined, tech-enabled supply chains, but intermodal shippers often need help to meet those demands. Intermodal is a high-stakes proposition where the success of entire supply chains rests on the timely performance of logistical moves.

Limitations and gaps in visibility have plagued intermodal shipping, leaving shippers and logistics providers with poor data integration. The expansive operations of intermodal shipping have limited tech capabilities and inconsistent application across modes. This inconsistency results in poor collaboration across the modes, limiting the potential benefits of intermodal.

The limited visibility of intermodal shipping negatively impacts supply chain efficiency resulting in lower customer satisfaction when ETAs can’t be known or freight arrives late.

How Intermodal Visibility Helps Shippers Stand Out in the Digital Supply Chain

The traditional limitations of intermodal shipping are overcome when shippers have visibility through their freight’s journey. Collaboration and actionable analytics result from a digital supply chain solution that scales with them.

Optimized Collaboration Across Modes

Digital supply chain management requires visibility, yet rail has traditionally been veiled for shippers using intermodal shipping.

When shippers have complete intermodal visibility, collaboration improves as events are known in real time and communicated to stakeholders through push notifications. The risk for miscommunication and the time customarily expended calling partners are eliminated.

Exceptions, such as a derailment, might not have been known to shippers for hours or longer in the past. When events are known now, communication and resolution begin immediately.

Integrated Analytics Offers Actionability

Building resilient supply chains happens when shippers know the problems that have plagued them in the past. Without the data, proactive approaches are limited.

Visibility creates the data corresponding to all milestones and exceptions, and big data analytics correlates and analyzes it. The result is a complete picture of what has happened and revelations of what could happen. Shippers are enabled to adapt their supply chains and make them more resilient.

Through analytics data, more efficient lanes are discovered, carrier scorecards are created, and shipper KPIs become known.

Innovation for Scalable Operations

In a dynamic supply chain, flexibility is essential for shippers. They need intermodal visibility to adapt to changes across modalities quickly.

A shipper’s digital supply chain needs to scale with them through growth, providing solutions at all sizes and stages of the business. Using an API that easily integrates with their tech stack, shippers are prepared for growth yet to come. The functionality and information are the same whether they have one container or hundreds moving.

Intermodal Freight Shipping Visibility Is a Game Changer

Intermodal freight transportation saves shippers money, cuts carbon emissions, and offers greater cargo safety. Digital supply chain solutions help shippers effectively utilize intermodal shipping and realize these benefits.

Shippers gain better reactivity and the ability to proactively approach intermodal freight using a visibility and analytics solution that scales with them. They are empowered with the ability to build supply chain resiliency.

Digital supply chains require providers with expertise and a track record of providing the visibility and data that creates resilient supply chains for shippers. VIZION API is a trusted partner to shippers, opening up efficient intermodal freight options for them.

VIZION API is an expert digital supply chain solutions provider with an API that easily integrates with shippers’ existing tech stack and scales with them. Shippers use VIZION API to realize true intermodal visibility, leverage actionable analytics, and optimize collaboration.

Book a demo with VIZION API today to see the difference intermodal visibility makes for shippers.

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Using Intermodal Visibility to Stand Out in the Digital Supply Chain

June 26, 2023
intermodal visibility

The digital supply chain is here and changing the game for shippers. The use of big data analytics, GPS, the Internet of Things (IoT), and radio frequency ID tags have created unprecedented visibility, the ability to react in real time, and the information needed to be proactive. Shippers incorporating the digital supply chain in their operations build supply chain resilience.

The digital supply chain provides visibility into the workings of the chain by linking internal systems with external information. Through the use of advanced technologies and insights into the functioning of all stakeholders, each supply chain participant makes better decisions. Ultimately, the digital supply chain increases efficiencies, fosters collaboration, reduces waste, and facilitates profitability.

One of the most significant impacts of the digital supply chain has been advancing intermodal shipping by eliminating the challenges that stifled it in the past.

Intermodal Shipping Offers Unique Challenges

Customers expect streamlined, tech-enabled supply chains, but intermodal shippers often need help to meet those demands. Intermodal is a high-stakes proposition where the success of entire supply chains rests on the timely performance of logistical moves.

Limitations and gaps in visibility have plagued intermodal shipping, leaving shippers and logistics providers with poor data integration. The expansive operations of intermodal shipping have limited tech capabilities and inconsistent application across modes. This inconsistency results in poor collaboration across the modes, limiting the potential benefits of intermodal.

The limited visibility of intermodal shipping negatively impacts supply chain efficiency resulting in lower customer satisfaction when ETAs can’t be known or freight arrives late.

How Intermodal Visibility Helps Shippers Stand Out in the Digital Supply Chain

The traditional limitations of intermodal shipping are overcome when shippers have visibility through their freight’s journey. Collaboration and actionable analytics result from a digital supply chain solution that scales with them.

Optimized Collaboration Across Modes

Digital supply chain management requires visibility, yet rail has traditionally been veiled for shippers using intermodal shipping.

When shippers have complete intermodal visibility, collaboration improves as events are known in real time and communicated to stakeholders through push notifications. The risk for miscommunication and the time customarily expended calling partners are eliminated.

Exceptions, such as a derailment, might not have been known to shippers for hours or longer in the past. When events are known now, communication and resolution begin immediately.

Integrated Analytics Offers Actionability

Building resilient supply chains happens when shippers know the problems that have plagued them in the past. Without the data, proactive approaches are limited.

Visibility creates the data corresponding to all milestones and exceptions, and big data analytics correlates and analyzes it. The result is a complete picture of what has happened and revelations of what could happen. Shippers are enabled to adapt their supply chains and make them more resilient.

Through analytics data, more efficient lanes are discovered, carrier scorecards are created, and shipper KPIs become known.

Innovation for Scalable Operations

In a dynamic supply chain, flexibility is essential for shippers. They need intermodal visibility to adapt to changes across modalities quickly.

A shipper’s digital supply chain needs to scale with them through growth, providing solutions at all sizes and stages of the business. Using an API that easily integrates with their tech stack, shippers are prepared for growth yet to come. The functionality and information are the same whether they have one container or hundreds moving.

Intermodal Freight Shipping Visibility Is a Game Changer

Intermodal freight transportation saves shippers money, cuts carbon emissions, and offers greater cargo safety. Digital supply chain solutions help shippers effectively utilize intermodal shipping and realize these benefits.

Shippers gain better reactivity and the ability to proactively approach intermodal freight using a visibility and analytics solution that scales with them. They are empowered with the ability to build supply chain resiliency.

Digital supply chains require providers with expertise and a track record of providing the visibility and data that creates resilient supply chains for shippers. VIZION API is a trusted partner to shippers, opening up efficient intermodal freight options for them.

VIZION API is an expert digital supply chain solutions provider with an API that easily integrates with shippers’ existing tech stack and scales with them. Shippers use VIZION API to realize true intermodal visibility, leverage actionable analytics, and optimize collaboration.

Book a demo with VIZION API today to see the difference intermodal visibility makes for shippers.