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A New Container Tracking Era: How CANdata and Alcon Logistics Partnership with Vizion Changed Everything

July 22, 2024

We've all been in that situation — constantly refreshing the tracking page for the package we eagerly anticipate from overseas. Is it held up in customs? Making its way across the Pacific? Or worse, lost in the abyss of international shipping? Now, imagine that feeling multiplied by thousands. That's the world of logistics companies, where keeping tabs on countless containers isn't just a convenience but their bread and butter. One missed update can send shockwaves through the entire supply chain, turning a well-oiled machine into a logistical nightmare.

That exact headache plagued Alcon Logistics, a Toronto-based family-owned, full-service logistics firm. Sure, they had CANdata and its Freight Flow software platform to handle the nuts and bolts of customs and logistics. But when it came to tracking those elusive containers? Alcon needed ocean visibility. That's when a fellow CANdata customer recommended Vizion and its API. What happened next completely changed the equation for visibility.

The Challenges: Manual Container Tracking

Keeping track of containers without the aid of automation is no small feat, and as a full-service brokerage, Alcon Logistics wanted to improve end-to-end supply chain visibility in the tool they were already using. Alcon covers all modes of international transportation, customs clearance, consulting, compliance, and warehousing and distribution.

The Daily Grind of Tracking by Manually

Imagine your morning routine, but instead of simply checking your phone for messages and weather, you had to visit dozens of different apps and websites just to figure out if you needed an umbrella. That's what life was like for Alcon's operations team before Vizion. They were visiting numerous carrier websites, trying to track containers like you'd hunt for keys in a messy house. It wasn't just annoying; it cost them precious time and sanity. And with the constant threat of demurrage and detention fees looming, they were desperate for a better way to do things.

Embracing Technology for Better Visibility

Recognizing Alcon's challenges, CANdata introduced its Freight Flow platform as a solution. This innovative technology promised to turn the headache of container tracking into a breeze. Real-time visibility? Check. Less risk of surprise fees? Double-check. By bringing Freight Flow on board, Alcon could stop drowning in tracking tasks and focus on what it does best—being a logistics company—albeit with way better visibility for its customers.

The Solution: Integrating Vizion’s API

In the search to solve those problems, Danny Albers, Senior Project Manager at CANdata,  and Carlos Lustgarten, President of Alcon Logistics, put their heads together to find a fix. They wanted something simple — one place to see everything, no more jumping between systems. Think of it like having all your favorite apps rolled into one. That's when they realized Vizion's API was exactly what they needed to turn their container-tracking nightmare into a walk in the park.

A New Era of Visibility

Integrating Vizion's API into CANdata's Freight Flow platform was like flipping on a light switch in a dark room. Suddenly, key milestones such as “container available for pickup” and “free time to expire” became clearly visible.

But what use is seeing the data without being able to act on it? With real-time insights at their fingertips, logistics professionals could slash those pesky detention and demurrage fees, all from a single, user-friendly platform.

From Hours to Seconds: The Power of Real-Time Data

Vizion's API swooped in and kicked manual shipment tracking to the curb. Now, when you log into CANdata's Freight Flow platform, you'll see a Google Maps-style view of every container out there. We're talking interactive maps and detailed breadcrumb trails showing exactly where your goods are. The best part is that it goes beyond simply following dots on a map. This upgrade cranked up the accuracy and speed to eleven. What used to eat up your whole afternoon now takes less time than brewing a cup of coffee. It's not just a new way to manage logistics — it's a whole new ballgame for keeping clients happy and returning for more.

Quantifiable Outcomes and Benefits

Alcon Logistics offers a compelling case study, demonstrating how integrating Vizion's API for container tracking with CANdata's Freight Flow can set new standards in logistical efficiency and operational readiness.

Reduced Costs through Enhanced Visibility

For Alcon, better tracking meant more than just pinpointing containers — it was a game-changer for their bottom line. With better container tracking communication with carriers and clients for both exports and imports, they kissed goodbye to a chunk of those pesky detention and demurrage fees. It's simple math: better communication and data equals fewer delays, less container confusion, and a healthier bank balance.

Better Efficiency and Stakeholder Confidence

Vizion's API also empowered Alcon Logistics' clients to prepare for deliveries more effectively. Now, warehouse managers can plan their space and staff with precision and smoothness. Beyond tidier warehouses, this also enabled proactive risk management. Clients could better anticipate potential delays and prepare for urgent shipments, all while updating stock inventories.

Future Prospects and Strategic Plans

The story behind the synergy of Alcon, CANdata, and Vizion is one of a partnership that not only meets expectations but exceeds them. Here's where things stand and how they plan to take things to the next level:

  • Instant on Ocean Tracking: Alcon now keeps tabs on their containers 24/7 inside CANdata’s platform.
  • Increased Operational Efficiencies: This upgrade has trimmed the fat from their processes, slashing delays and unnecessary costs. The result? A leaner, meaner operation.
  • Enhanced Customer Service: Lightning-fast tracking means the team jumps on customer questions and issues in record time, leaving clients impressed and coming back for more.
  • Eyes on the Horizon: Albers and Lustgarten aren't resting on their laurels. They're cooking up plans to dive into lane analysis and size up carrier performance, aiming to take their logistics strategy to the next level.
  • Endorsement for Vizion: Reflecting on the partnership, Albers noted, "We’re excited to take the next step. Vizion provides outstanding value at a reasonable cost compared to other providers. I would wholeheartedly recommend Vizion to any shipper or freight forwarder looking for a real-time container tracking solution."

Final Thoughts: Vizion's Game-Changing Impact

Who would've thought a simple API could turn the world of container tracking on its head? For Alcon Logistics, it was like finding the holy grail of shipping. No more pulling out hair over lost containers or unexpected fees. With Vizion's real-time tracking plugged into CANdata's Freight Flow, Alcon is now a well-oiled machine. Warehouse managers could finally breathe easy, planning like pros instead of scrambling at the last minute. And let's not forget the wallet-friendly perks — those annoying detention fees became a thing of the past.

Imagine the expectations for a shipload of goods in a world where people track their toothbrushes with Amazon-like precision. Vizion's toolkit is the secret sauce that makes this level of visibility possible. Their arsenal includes real-time container tracking, which gives you a 36,000-foot view of your shipments; intermodal rail tracking, which follows your cargo seamlessly across oceans and railways; and port performance monitoring, which keeps tabs on over 60 global ports. From vessel movements to container gate-outs to global trade management, Vizion's got you covered.

So, if you remain in the dark ages of container tracking — isn't it time to supercharge your operations? Reach out to Vizion and book a demo. Who knows? You might just see your own logistics nightmares turn into sweet dreams.

Vizion Partners with Freight Forwarder & Logistics Service Provider to Drive Enhanced Container Tracking

Get the Most Advanced Visibility into the Journey of Your Ocean and Rail Containers

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A New Container Tracking Era: How CANdata and Alcon Logistics Partnership with Vizion Changed Everything

July 22, 2024
Container Tracking Breakthrough: CANdata and Alcon's Vizion Integration

We've all been in that situation — constantly refreshing the tracking page for the package we eagerly anticipate from overseas. Is it held up in customs? Making its way across the Pacific? Or worse, lost in the abyss of international shipping? Now, imagine that feeling multiplied by thousands. That's the world of logistics companies, where keeping tabs on countless containers isn't just a convenience but their bread and butter. One missed update can send shockwaves through the entire supply chain, turning a well-oiled machine into a logistical nightmare.

That exact headache plagued Alcon Logistics, a Toronto-based family-owned, full-service logistics firm. Sure, they had CANdata and its Freight Flow software platform to handle the nuts and bolts of customs and logistics. But when it came to tracking those elusive containers? Alcon needed ocean visibility. That's when a fellow CANdata customer recommended Vizion and its API. What happened next completely changed the equation for visibility.

The Challenges: Manual Container Tracking

Keeping track of containers without the aid of automation is no small feat, and as a full-service brokerage, Alcon Logistics wanted to improve end-to-end supply chain visibility in the tool they were already using. Alcon covers all modes of international transportation, customs clearance, consulting, compliance, and warehousing and distribution.

The Daily Grind of Tracking by Manually

Imagine your morning routine, but instead of simply checking your phone for messages and weather, you had to visit dozens of different apps and websites just to figure out if you needed an umbrella. That's what life was like for Alcon's operations team before Vizion. They were visiting numerous carrier websites, trying to track containers like you'd hunt for keys in a messy house. It wasn't just annoying; it cost them precious time and sanity. And with the constant threat of demurrage and detention fees looming, they were desperate for a better way to do things.

Embracing Technology for Better Visibility

Recognizing Alcon's challenges, CANdata introduced its Freight Flow platform as a solution. This innovative technology promised to turn the headache of container tracking into a breeze. Real-time visibility? Check. Less risk of surprise fees? Double-check. By bringing Freight Flow on board, Alcon could stop drowning in tracking tasks and focus on what it does best—being a logistics company—albeit with way better visibility for its customers.

The Solution: Integrating Vizion’s API

In the search to solve those problems, Danny Albers, Senior Project Manager at CANdata,  and Carlos Lustgarten, President of Alcon Logistics, put their heads together to find a fix. They wanted something simple — one place to see everything, no more jumping between systems. Think of it like having all your favorite apps rolled into one. That's when they realized Vizion's API was exactly what they needed to turn their container-tracking nightmare into a walk in the park.

A New Era of Visibility

Integrating Vizion's API into CANdata's Freight Flow platform was like flipping on a light switch in a dark room. Suddenly, key milestones such as “container available for pickup” and “free time to expire” became clearly visible.

But what use is seeing the data without being able to act on it? With real-time insights at their fingertips, logistics professionals could slash those pesky detention and demurrage fees, all from a single, user-friendly platform.

From Hours to Seconds: The Power of Real-Time Data

Vizion's API swooped in and kicked manual shipment tracking to the curb. Now, when you log into CANdata's Freight Flow platform, you'll see a Google Maps-style view of every container out there. We're talking interactive maps and detailed breadcrumb trails showing exactly where your goods are. The best part is that it goes beyond simply following dots on a map. This upgrade cranked up the accuracy and speed to eleven. What used to eat up your whole afternoon now takes less time than brewing a cup of coffee. It's not just a new way to manage logistics — it's a whole new ballgame for keeping clients happy and returning for more.

Quantifiable Outcomes and Benefits

Alcon Logistics offers a compelling case study, demonstrating how integrating Vizion's API for container tracking with CANdata's Freight Flow can set new standards in logistical efficiency and operational readiness.

Reduced Costs through Enhanced Visibility

For Alcon, better tracking meant more than just pinpointing containers — it was a game-changer for their bottom line. With better container tracking communication with carriers and clients for both exports and imports, they kissed goodbye to a chunk of those pesky detention and demurrage fees. It's simple math: better communication and data equals fewer delays, less container confusion, and a healthier bank balance.

Better Efficiency and Stakeholder Confidence

Vizion's API also empowered Alcon Logistics' clients to prepare for deliveries more effectively. Now, warehouse managers can plan their space and staff with precision and smoothness. Beyond tidier warehouses, this also enabled proactive risk management. Clients could better anticipate potential delays and prepare for urgent shipments, all while updating stock inventories.

Future Prospects and Strategic Plans

The story behind the synergy of Alcon, CANdata, and Vizion is one of a partnership that not only meets expectations but exceeds them. Here's where things stand and how they plan to take things to the next level:

  • Instant on Ocean Tracking: Alcon now keeps tabs on their containers 24/7 inside CANdata’s platform.
  • Increased Operational Efficiencies: This upgrade has trimmed the fat from their processes, slashing delays and unnecessary costs. The result? A leaner, meaner operation.
  • Enhanced Customer Service: Lightning-fast tracking means the team jumps on customer questions and issues in record time, leaving clients impressed and coming back for more.
  • Eyes on the Horizon: Albers and Lustgarten aren't resting on their laurels. They're cooking up plans to dive into lane analysis and size up carrier performance, aiming to take their logistics strategy to the next level.
  • Endorsement for Vizion: Reflecting on the partnership, Albers noted, "We’re excited to take the next step. Vizion provides outstanding value at a reasonable cost compared to other providers. I would wholeheartedly recommend Vizion to any shipper or freight forwarder looking for a real-time container tracking solution."

Final Thoughts: Vizion's Game-Changing Impact

Who would've thought a simple API could turn the world of container tracking on its head? For Alcon Logistics, it was like finding the holy grail of shipping. No more pulling out hair over lost containers or unexpected fees. With Vizion's real-time tracking plugged into CANdata's Freight Flow, Alcon is now a well-oiled machine. Warehouse managers could finally breathe easy, planning like pros instead of scrambling at the last minute. And let's not forget the wallet-friendly perks — those annoying detention fees became a thing of the past.

Imagine the expectations for a shipload of goods in a world where people track their toothbrushes with Amazon-like precision. Vizion's toolkit is the secret sauce that makes this level of visibility possible. Their arsenal includes real-time container tracking, which gives you a 36,000-foot view of your shipments; intermodal rail tracking, which follows your cargo seamlessly across oceans and railways; and port performance monitoring, which keeps tabs on over 60 global ports. From vessel movements to container gate-outs to global trade management, Vizion's got you covered.

So, if you remain in the dark ages of container tracking — isn't it time to supercharge your operations? Reach out to Vizion and book a demo. Who knows? You might just see your own logistics nightmares turn into sweet dreams.

Vizion Partners with Freight Forwarder & Logistics Service Provider to Drive Enhanced Container Tracking